Star seed nms
Star seed nms

Planets that you have discovered no longer need to be repeatedly rescanned to see their resources from space.Improved the range of the Exocraft Summoning Station, so that it allows Exocraft to be summoned from anywhere in the system.Fixed an issue that prevented the Exocraft Summoning Station from working if placed within a base.Players can now hold down buttons to increase or decrease stack sizes, rather than having to press repeatedly.Added an instant split button to allow players to quickly divide stacks of items in half.Fixed an issue that caused distress signals to occasionally lead to a crashed ship site with no crashed ship.Players should no longer be sent repeatedly to the same building when using multiple charts. Fixed a number of issues that caused planetary charts and others scans to pick from too narrow a range of buildings.If players are in a group but do not have a Nexus mission active, then when taking off from the Space Anomaly they can now choose to exit directly to the system of any other player in their group.These will hail the player while using the Pulse Engine and may need assistance, offer to trade, and more….As well as strange objects, players may also encounter passing trader ships.Different encounters have different chances of occurring based on the characteristics of the solar system.A large range of strange objects and exotic rewards await….Drop out of pulse-flight to begin the encounter.While using the Pulse Engine to fly between planets, there is a chance of encountering strange objects in local space.Additional ships may be hatched from subsequently incubated eggs.Completing these missions will hatch the Void Egg into your own procedurally generated Living Ship.Incubate your Void Egg and learn about the origin of the Living Ships with a new mission chain, Starbirth.Adjust your playstyle to the restrictions and benefits of these organic techs, or hatch and evolve new procedural upgrades to grow your own custom ship.These ships have their own exclusive range of organic technologies and cannot be upgraded by conventional means.Introduced a new style of starship, the Living Ship.


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Star seed nms